Carnahan–Starling + Jacobsen–Stewart — Lennard—Jones
This noncubic EOS describes the behaviour of the Lennard-Jones (= Mie 12-6) fluid. It consists of a hard-sphere repulsion term with a temperature-dependent collision diameter and an empirical attraction term of the Jacobsen-Stewart type. Its numerous coefficients have been fitted to computer simulation data.
The critical compression factor of this EOS is fixed. It is not possible for this EOS to match all 3 critical conditions.
Below 0.5 Tc the isotherms show additional extrema inside the two-phase region. Use the Lennard-Jones EOS of Quiñones-Cisneros (QC-LJ), if clean van der Waals loops are desired.
adjustable parameters: 2
The ThermoC parameters are
T* = Tc
and v* = Vmc.
[1] M. Mecke, A. Müller, J. Winkelmann, J. Vrabec, J. Fischer, R. Span, W. Wagner, Int. J. Thermophys. 17 (1996) 391–404.
[2] M. Mecke, A. Müller, J. Winkelmann, J. Vrabec, J. Fischer, R. Span, W. Wagner, Int. J. Thermophys. 19 (1998) 1493.
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