Equations of stateClick on the code entries for more information! |
code | equation of state |
BACK: | Boublík–Alder–Chen–Kreglewski |
BNJS-2LJ: | mod. Boublík–Nezbeda repulsion + Jacobsen–Stewart attraction: 2-center Lennard-Jones fluid |
CS: | Carnahan–Starling repulsion term only |
CSD: | Carnahan–Starling repulsion * Dieterici attraction |
CSJS-LJ: | mod. Carnahan–Starling repulsion + Jacobsen–Stewart attraction: Lennard-Jones fluid |
CSRK: | Carnahan–Starling repulsion + Redlich–Kwong attraction |
CSvdW: | Carnahan–Starling repulsion + van der Waals attraction |
D1: | Deiters |
D1A: | Deiters + chain association |
EW: | “Erpenbeck–Wood hard-sphere reference” |
GEOS: | “Generalized cubic EOS” |
GERG: | GERG-2004 natural gas reference |
Hvir: | Hellmann virial series |
IAPWS: | IAPWS water reference |
IUPAC-N2: | IUPAC nitrogen reference (superseded by WS |
IUPAC-O2: | IUPAC oxygen reference |
JS: | Jacobsen–Stewart/Bender/Schmidt–Wagner reference |
KN-LJ: | Kolafa–Nezbeda: Lennard-Jones fluid |
LJ: | Lemmon–Jacobsen reference |
mBWR1-LJ: | modified Benedict–Webb–Rubin: Lennard-Jones fluid (EOS of Nicolas et al., superseded by mBWR2-LJ) |
mBWR2-nLJ: | modified Benedict–Webb–Rubin: Lennard-Jones fluid (EOS of Johnson et al., with an extension to handle flexible tangent-sphere chain molecules) |
mBWR3-LJ: | modified Benedict–Webb–Rubin: Lennard-Jones fluid (EOS of May and Mausbach) |
Mxw2RK: | soft sphere repulsion + Redlich–Kwong attraction |
Mxw2vdW: | soft sphere repulsion + van der Waals attraction |
PCSAFT: | perturbed chain statistical associating fluid theory |
PCP-SAFT2008: | polar perturbed chain statistical associating fluid theory |
PR, PR78: | Peng–Robinson |
PT1, PT2: | Patel–Teja |
QC-LJ: | Quiñones-Cisneros: Lennard-Jones fluid |
QC1: | Quiñones-Cisneros |
RK: | Redlich–Kwong (original T-dependence) |
RKHJ: | Redlich–Kwong–Heidaryan–Jarrahian |
RKS: | Redlich–Kwong–Soave |
rvdW: | reverse van der Waals |
SL: | Sanchez–Lacombe |
SPHCT: | simplified perturbed hard chain |
sSPHCT: | soft-core simplified perturbed hard chain |
TBS: | Trebble–Bishnoi–Salim, with generalized or optimized coefficients |
vdW: | van der Waals |
vtPR: | volume-translated Peng–Robinson |
vtPR-xhc: | volume-translated Peng–Robinson for hydrocarbons at high pressures and temperatures |
WS: | Wagner–Setzmann reference |
WS-CO2: | Wagner–Span carbon dioxide reference |
WS-LJ, WS-LJst: | Wagner–Setzmann: fluid having Lennard-Jones or “shifted and truncated” Lennard-Jones pair interactions |
WSsh: | Span–Wagner short: non- and weakly polar fluids |
XD: | Xiang–Deiters generalized corresponding states theory: |
YKchvdW: | Yelash–Kraska chain, quartic repulsion + vdW attraction |